Notice of Meeting

ASHRAE Toronto Dinner Meeting

FRIDAY APRIL 1st at 4:00PM
NO Walk-In Registrations will be Permitted
Date: Monday April 4th, 2011
Venue: Otello's Banquet & Conference Centre
Click Here for a Map
Cocktails: 5:30 PM
Dinner: 6:30 PM to 9:00 PM (Including Presentations)
We ask that you pre-register for the dinner at your earliest convenience online at www.torontoashrae.com, select “Meeting Registration and Calendar” from the left tab and then “Register” button for the ASHRAE Toronto - April 2011 Dinner Meeting. You may also still register through the ASHRAE chapter office (Sabrina Tai - 905 602 4714 or stai@hrai.ca). Please indicate at time of registration if you have any specific meal requirements. There will always be a vegetarian option, simply notify us at time of registration. There will be an additional $10 service charge for individuals who show up at the door without registering online and spaces will not be guaranteed.

Wei Sun, P.E
Mr. Sun is the Chairman of ASHRAE Technical Committee TC9.11 (Clean Spaces), where he served as the Principal Author of the ASHRAE Handbook “Clean Spaces” 2007 Edition. He is a member of ASHRAE Technical Committees TC9.10 (Laboratory Systems) and TC9.6 (Healthcare Facilities). He is also a member of IEST, ASHE and NFPA organizations. In other leadership roles, he serves as a CTTC Regional Vice Chair for ASHRAE Region V (Ohio, Indiana and Michigan), and the President-Elect of ASHRAE Detroit Chapter.
Mr. Sun received his BSME from University of Shanghai for Science and Technology in China in 1985, and was accepted as a MSME student in Shanghai Jiaotong University in China in 1987. In 1989, he was awarded with an academic scholarship from University of Kentucky in the United States and then received his MSAE degree from University of Kentucky in 1992. Since then Mr. Sun has been working in the US as a design and consulting engineer for 18 years in building mechanical systems design, HVAC&R consulting and research. He is a registered Professional Engineer in 12 states in the United States.
Prior to his current position as a Principal and Director of Engineering at Engsysco, Inc., he has worked for several national design firms in the US Midwest. He served as lead senior engineer, group head for many large and sophisticated cleanroom facilities, bio-safety laboratories and major research hospitals. In addition to his cleanroom, laboratory and hospital expertise, he has been serving as a Principal Investigator for several ASHRAE and governmental research projects, the research results have been published in ASHRAE Transactions, ASHRAE Journal, IEST, Labs21(DOE/EPA), CEC Research, etc. He has been invited to provide numerous technical speeches and training seminars in national and international conferences and for private industries as well. Mr. Sun has been serving as the “USA HVAC&R Advisor” for Japan Air Conditioning, Heating & Refrigeration News (JARN) magazine since 2004. He also serves as a “USA Consultant” for the Ministry of Health of Malaysia for their standardization effort for cleanroom and laboratory applications in healthcare facilities. Mr. Sun is the recipient of ASHRAE Dan Mills Award in 2006.

Cleanrooms & HVAC Systems Design Fundamentals
Theme: Healthcare Promotion Night
Mr. Sun's technical presentation will address the fundamentals and basic knowledge of cleanrooms and HVAC systems design. It will cover the definition and classifications of cleanrooms, cleanroom standards, airborne particulates, airborne molecular contamination (AMC), viable (microbiological) contamination, particle sources, airflow quantity, velocity, flow patterns and floor arrangement, airlock and pressurization system design, HVAC, plumbing, fire protection, and process systems. Mr. Sun will also discusses the common cleanroom devices and equipment, architectural construction materials, cleaning procedures, testing standards, construction cost and CFD simulations.
Joint Dinner Meeting Partners

ASHRAE Hamilton Chapter
The ASHRAE Hamilton Chapter was chartered Oct 22nd, 1959 as the 88th chapter in the newly formed Engineering Society called ASHRAE. D. L. Angus, Region 2 Director and Regional Chair from Toronto assisted in the chartering ceremony. Earlier in 1959, actually January 29th, 1959, ASHRAE officially started operations after a merger of two engineering societies - ASHAE – the American Society of Heating and Air Conditioning Engineers which was founded in 1894 and ASRE – the American Society of Refrigerating Engineers founded in 1904.
It was in the spring of 1959 that Toronto Member Lloyd Algie ASHRAE contacted a number of Hamilton ASHRAE members to see if there was enough interest in forming a stand alone chapter. ASHRAE had a requirement that they would consider a documented petition from a minimum of 20 Society members from an area to incorporate a stand alone chapter. Lloyd was surprised at the local interest and in the April to May period quickly had 20 members willing to sign a petition. In June, the petition was presented to ASHRAE’s BOD who approved the chartering.
The chapter was to be called the ASHRAE Niagara Peninsula Chapter, a name that lasted from 1959 to 1971. It was then changed to the Hamilton Chapter to better represent where meetings were held. The first Chapter President was Lloyd Algie.
Today, the chapter has about 200 to 250 assigned Society members and 60 to 100 local Chapter members. Meetings now move around to other communities such as Guelph, Cambridge as many of members reside well outside of the Hamilton area.
G.E.Menzies Hamilton Chapter Historian
Map of Otello's Banquet and Conference Centre

Need Assistance?
Please see the links above for directions to Ryerson University. Feel free to contact Marco Ottavino, ASHRAE Programs Chair, for further details (marco.ottavino@gmail.com, 416-561-8252).