Notice of Meeting

ASHRAE Toronto Distinguished Lecturer Breakfast Meeting

Date: Thursday March 24th, 2011
Venue: Delta Chelsea Toronto (Windsor Room)
Click Here for Directions & Parking Info
Breakfast: 8:30 AM
Presentation: 9:30 to 10:30 AM (Including Presentation)
High Performance HVAC Design
Theme: YEA & Student Member Promotion Event
Special Event: ASHRAE Designated Lecturer
We ask that you pre-register for the breakfast at your earliest convenience online at www.torontoashrae.com, select “Meeting Registration and Calendar” from the left tab and then “Register” button for the ASHRAE Toronto - Exclusive YEA & Student Member Breakfast Meeting - March 2011. You may also still register through the ASHRAE chapter office (Sabrina Tai - 905 602 4714 or stai@hrai.ca).
Are you a Young Engineer in ASHRAE (YEA) or Student Member of ASHRAE's Toronto Chapter? If so, you have the special privilege of registering for our Chapter's first ever technical breakfast session dedicated entirely to YEA and Student Members. Join us for an intimate technical session at a convenient Toronto location where ASHRAE distinguished lecturer, Julian R. de Bullet will be presenting on High Performance HVAC Design principles. YEA members will have the opportunity to socialize with industry colleauges and share career and technical insights with fellow student members. Space is limited to 40 attendees, so don't miss out on this awesome opportunity! Register online today!

Regular Toronto Chapter Members & Guests are more than welcome to join in on this year’s technical breakfast session. Show your support for our renowned distinguished lecturer and for our society’s young engineer and student members!
Showcase Topic:
High Performance Chilled Water HVAC Designs
An in-depth look at chilled water system choices will be explored and “Sustainable” concepts will be presented. Included will be Variable Primary Flow considerations along with Condenser Water Heat Recovery. We will compare different measurement tools, to see how the design can comply with “Green” design concepts. An overview of current refrigerant legislation and the impact of the Montreal Protocol will complete the seminar.
Guest Speaker Biography:
Julian R. de Bullet
Julian R. de Bullet has over 35 years experience in the HVAC industry. His career has concentrated on the applied use of Chilled Water and All-Air systems as a manager of applied equipment sales and as a manager of a service/performance contracting operation. Julian is a Graduate of the London University system in England, where he obtained an Electrical Engineering degree and a Diploma in Marketing.
He is the Director of Industry Relations for McQuay International, based in Washington D.C. He is responsible for assisting McQuay customers and McQuay sales representatives in HVAC&R system design and specification. He is a member of numerous industry associations concentrating on energy efficiency and responsible refrigerant use. He is a Board member of the Alliance for Responsible Atmospheric Policy (ARAP), a member of the AHRI Government Affairs Committee, International Committee, Education Committee and the Chiller Engineering Sub-Committee. He represents McQuay International at both the Montreal Protocol and Climate Change proceedings as an NGO participant.
As ASHRAE Vice President (2001/2003), he served on the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee and was Chair of Member Council and Publishing Council. He is Past President of the National Capital Chapter and was Director and Regional Chair for ASHRAE Region III. He is an ASHRAE Distinguished Lecturer with over 200 Seminars delivered around the world with topics including “Responsible Refrigerant Use”, “Sustainable HVAC Systems”, “Variable Primary Flow System designs” and “90.1 and LEED”. He is a voting member of TC 8.2 Centrifugal Chillers and has co-authored numerous ASHRAE Handbook chapters. He chaired the Professional Development Committee, (Responsible for the ASHRAE Educational programs), was a voting member of the Publications and Education Council and the Society Advocacy Committee. He has co-authored ASHRAE Position Documents on Energy Efficiency, Natural Refrigerants and Ozone Depletion.
He presently serves on both the Honors and Awards Committee and the Nominating Committee.

Thank you to McQuay International for supporting ASHRAE Toronto's first YEA & Student Members only technical event.
Need Assistance?
Please see the links above for directions to the venue location. Feel free to contact Marco Ottavino, ASHRAE Programs Chair, for further details (marco.ottavino@gmail.com, 416-561-8252).