Annual Career Fair
& February Dinner Meeting
ASHRAE Toronto Chapter's 4th Annual Career Fair will be held at the University of Toronto's Chestnut Conference Centre.
Immediately after the Career Fair, ASHRAE Toronto will be hosting the February Dinner Meeting.
Date: |
Monday February 3rd, 2014 |
Career Fair: |
11:00 AM - 4:00 PM
(No Registration Required)
Colony Grand Ballroom
Chestnut Conference Centre
University of Toronto
Career Fair 2014 Handout.pdf
Reception & Dinner Meeting:
5:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Pre-registration for Dinner Meeting Required
Colony Grand Ballroom, Chestnut Conference Centre
89 Chestnut St, Toronto, ON, M5G 1R1
Dinner Meeting Theme: Government Affairs
Speaker: Bill Chihata,
Energy Efficiency Office
at the City of Toronto
Bill Chihata, P.Eng., MBA, CEM, LEED GA
Senior Engineer – Energy Efficiency Office @ City of Toronto
Bill manages a team of highly talented team in the areas of “Measurement & Verification" (M&V) and the City Demand Response program (DR3). Part of his role is to assist City of Toronto Agencies, Boards, Commissions, Corporations and Divisions (ABCCD’s) to participate in the Demand Response program. Also, he conduct regular M&V studies to evaluate the various initiatives undertaken by the Energy Efficiency Office at the City of Toronto
In addition, Bill has been teaching at Seneca College, on part-time basis, since 2005. His main teaching focus is on Energy and Sustainability for the “Built Environment”. Bill has over than 20 years of experience in the Energy field. Prior to joining the City of Toronto, he worked for one of the largest utilities in Ontario developing and implementing energy efficiency programs and strategies. Bill always believes in measurement as key to any energy project. His favorite motto is "you have to measure it to manage it"
Bill has and engineering degree from Concordia University in Montreal, and an MBA from Wilfrid Laurier University in Waterloo. He is also a Certified Energy Manager (CEM) as well as a LEED Green Associate.
We ask that you pre-register for the dinner meeting at your earliest convenience online at www.torontoashrae.com, select “Meeting Registration and Calendar” from the left tab and then “Register” button for the ASHRAE Toronto - February 2014 Dinner Meeting. You may also still register through the ASHRAE chapter office (Sabrina Tai - 905 602 4714 or stai@hrai.ca). Please indicate at time of registration if you have any specific meal requirements. There will always be a vegetarian option, simply notify us at time of registration. No walk-in registrations will be permitted for the dinner meeting event.
Need Assistance?
Feel free to contact the following members for further details:
Peter Turk
ASHRAE Toronto Chapter Technology Transfer Committee (CTTC)
Marco Ottavino
ASHRAE Toronto Chapter Treasurer - Executive Board of Governors
Michael McEvenue
ASHRAE Toronto Chapter Student Activity Chair
Christine Choi ASHRAE Toronto Chapter Technology Transfer Committee (CTTC) [cchoi@dynergy.ca]