Notice of Meeting
NO Walk-In Registrations will be Permitted
Date: |
Monday March 5th, 2012 |
Technical Tour:

Reception & Dinner:
5:30 PM to 9:00 PM (Corus Quay, Toronto, Ontario) |
We ask that you pre-register for the dinner meeting at your earliest convenience online at www.torontoashrae.com, select “Meeting Registration and Calendar” from the left tab and then “Register” button for the ASHRAE Toronto - March 2012 Dinner Meeting. You may also still register through the ASHRAE chapter office (Sabrina Tai - 905 602 4714 or stai@hrai.ca). Please indicate at time of registration if you have any specific meal requirements. There will always be a vegetarian option, simply notify us at time of registration. No walk-in registrations will be permitted for this event.
Corus Quay - A LEED Waterfront Development
Theme: Young Engineers in ASHRAE (YEA) Promotion Night

ASHRAE Toronto Chapter's March dinner meeting will be held at the new corporate headquarters for Corus Entertainment located at the water’s edge in East Bayfront. Corus Quay is a 500,000 square foot office and broadcast centre that has allowed the company to consolidate its Toronto based operations from two distinct locations, including 24 television services and three Toronto radio stations into one facility. Corus Quay is a hub of activity with round-the-clock broadcasting and space for public performances.
Corus Quay is owned and was developed by Toronto Port Lands Company, formerly known as the City of Toronto Economic Development Corporation (TEDCO), Corus Quay is the anchor project in the revitalization of East Bayfront, bringing life, energy and business opportunities to Toronto's waterfront neighbourhood.

Corus Quay is targeting LEED® Gold certification, and features a number of sustainable green building and development practices that were adhered to throughout the construction of this project, including:
Energy efficient lighting, including the use of daylight harvesting to reduce power consumption by automatically dimming lights when natural sunlight can be used
Filtering the air in the central atrium through a living, five-storey high bio-wall. This stunning green wall uses plants to naturally clean the air and reduce energy consumption
Use of local and recycled materials
Corus Quay has a rooftop cistern that collects rainwater that drastically reduces water consumption
Installed environmentally friendly printers that use solid ink which creates 80% less packaging waste (all the packaging is recycled and recyclable), uses 50% less power when printing and reduces greenhouse gas emissions
Corus Quay features green rooftops to create usable outdoor space for Corus employees but also to reduce heat-island effect
Twenty percent of all materials in the project came from within 800 km and the entire building is made up of a custom THERMO 3 Curtain Wall System which works to reflect light and drive down energy consumption
Over 75% of construction waste was diverted away from landfill during the construction of Corus Quay
Guest Speakers

Lyle Scott, P.Eng, LEED AP BD+C
Sustainability should no longer be viewed as a separate discipline that is brought in only when a project is already at an advanced stage. For sustainability to be most effective, it should be integrated into every aspect and at every stage of a project. With a background that includes more than 15 years in sustainable design and development as well as facility management and consulting, Lyle has gained a broad perspective on the best sustainability strategies.
Lyle has played a key role in a wide range of sustainable design projects. Projects include: Seneca College – Knowledge Infrastructure Facility, Target LEED® Gold, Toronto, ON; Calgary International Airport – International Facilities Building, LEED® Registered, Target Gold Certification, Calgary, AB; Minto Roehampton, First Highrise Multi-Residential Building to Achieve CaGBC LEED® Gold Certification, Toronto, ON; Edmonton Clinic, LEED® Registered, Target Silver, Edmonton, AB; 180 Kent Street – Minto Office Building LEED® Candidate, Targeting Gold Certification, Ottawa, ON; Minto Midtown, Largest Mixed-Use Building to Achieve CaGBC LEED® – NC Gold Certification, Toronto, ON.

Jim Patterson, P.Eng
Jim Patterson has a degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Manitoba and has been in involved in the design, testing and commissioning of noise and vibration control products for the Heating Ventilating and Air Conditioning (HVAC) and power generation industry for over 15 years, and 5 years in mechanical system design and energy conservation.
He is a registered professional engineer with post graduate education in Noise Control Engineering from Penn State University. He is also a member of ASHRAE and ASTM E33 Committee on Building and Environmental Acoustics and a member of AHRI Seismic Subcommittee for Qualification of HVACR Equipment.
As usual, ASHRAE Toronto will be hosting its March 2012 Dinner Meeting, which will include a traditional three course meal, catered directly into the Corus Quay building. Due to the additional costs of catering and coordination for this venue, the Dinner Meeting rates have been slightly increased for members and guests. Reception will be held at 5:30 PM and the Dinner Meeting will start at 6:30 PM. Guest speaker presentations will be held towards the end of dinner.
Thank you for your continued support of ASHRAE Toronto and we look forward to seeing at our March 2012 Technical Tour & Dinner Meeting event!
Need Assistance?
Feel free to contact the following members for further details:
Arash Habibollahi
ASHRAE Toronto CTTC Member
(arash.habibollahi@smithandandersen.com, 416-487-8151x261)
Danny Ciasullo
ASHRAE Toronto CTTC Member
(danny.ciasullo@gmail.com, 647-990-8432)
Sharon Godlewski
ASHRAE Toronto CTTC Member
(SGodlewski@ehpricesales.com, 647-248-2937)
Christine Choi
ASHRAE Toronto CTTC Member
(christine@ashraeseneca.org, 647-464-5476)
Marco Ottavino
ASHRAE Toronto CTTC Programs Chair
(marco.ottavino@honeywell.com, 416-771-3824)