Notice of Meeting
NO Walk-In Registrations will be Permitted
Date: |
Monday February 6th, 2012 |
Reception & Dinner:

5:30 PM to 9:00 PM (Hazelton Manor Banquet Hall, Vaughan, Ontario)
We ask that you pre-register for the dinner meeting at your earliest convenience online at www.torontoashrae.com, select “Meeting Registration and Calendar” from the left tab and then “Register” button for the ASHRAE Toronto - February 2012 Dinner Meeting. You may also still register through the ASHRAE chapter office (Sabrina Tai - 905 602 4714 or stai@hrai.ca). Please indicate at time of registration if you have any specific meal requirements. There will always be a vegetarian option, simply notify us at time of registration. No walk-in registrations will be permitted for this event.
Radiant Heating & Cooling Systems in Commercial Applications
Theme: Membership Promotion Night
Sustainability Prototype: Walmart Supertore
ASHRAE Toronto’s February 2012 dinner meeting is themed Membership Promotion Night and will be held at the Hazelton Manor Banquet Hall in Vaughan, Ontario. This event will mark our second annual joint meeting with BOMA Toronto. The topic of the evening will be on the technology behind the new sustainability prototype for Walmart supercentres in Burlington, Ontario.

Walmart Superstore - Burlington, Ontario
Presentation Overview
The technical theme for the evening will be Radiant Heating and Cooling Systems for commercial applications.
Radiant heating and cooling installations are becoming more common in commercial buildings within North America and are in a growth pattern. Emerging from this is the hybrid radiant + HVAC system. A combined system of radiant plus air which offers a number of advantages, including improved indoor air quality, improved thermal comfort, less draft/noise, significant energy savings and smaller HVAC equipment requirements.
The heating and cooling sources for radiant systems are most often provided by boilers and chillers; however an increasing number of installations are being connected to ground source heat pumps. Since radiant heating and cooling systems typically use large surface areas such as floors, walls and ceilings as the output source, the supply water temperatures needed to heat and cool the space can be lower and higher respectively, compared to traditional water temps for HVAC fan coils.
The key advantage of low temperature heating and high temperature cooling is the improved efficiency of the heating or cooling source. Geothermal systems operate within the ideal supply water temperature ranges for most radiant heating and cooling applications so they are a natural fit with radiant systems.
The presentations look at the various components of a radiant heating and cooling system, highlighting the key advantages of this type of system vs traditional HVAC. Examples of commercial projects across Canada will be showcased where radiant heating and cooling systems have successfully been installed using ground source heat pumps as the primary heating and cooling source.

When it comes to making a case for a sustainable system, having a sound financial argument to back up the sales pitch for an environmentally-conscious option makes the sell that much easier. When the estimated payback on a conventional borehole geothermal install for Walmart Canada’s 135,000 square foot sustainable prototype Supercentre in Burlington, Ontario started to approach 40 years, the merchandiser asked engineering firm Stantec to explore ways to make the environmental commitment more financially viable.
Stantec’s solution, the use of SpiderPlow technology, was inspired by the oil and gas industry where this type of pipeline installation is more commonly used as an alternative to traditional open trench options. Going this route helped drop the payback for the entire HVAC system down from 40 years to eight – well within the client’s expectations and comfort zone.
In addition to the geothermal system, Stantec developed strategies and innovations to further reduce the capital cost and make geothermal a more attractive option on future projects for the company.
Guest Speakers

Nuno Duarte, P.Eng, P.E, LEED AP; Associate, Stantec Consulting Ltd.
Nuno is an Associate and is the lead geothermal designer in the GTA at Stantec Consulting Ltd. Nuno received a Master's degree from The University of Western Ontario and has over 13 years of experience in the industry. Nuno’s first geothermal project was completed in 2002 and has been involved with several projects since then. Nuno has been involved with developing new methods and technology to improve the geothermal industry.
Nuno joined Stantec Consulting Ltd. in 2005 and is part of the geothermal team at Stantec Consulting Ltd. overseeing different geothermal projects in Canada and The United States. Prior to that he worked in Dearborn, Michigan as the lead of the mechanical division.

Jerry Leyte, P.Eng, MASc. Commercial Sales Engineer – Uponor Ltd.
Jerry Leyte is a Professional Engineer (P.Eng.) in the province of Ontario and currently works with Uponor Ltd. in Mississauga as a Business Development Manager focusing on commercial radiant heating & cooling applications across Canada. He obtained his Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering and Masters of Applied Science Degree from the Technical University of Nova Scotia in 1992 and 1995 respectively.
Prior to joining Uponor, he worked for 6 years as a Sales Engineering Manager and was responsible for HVAC and plumbing designs, mechanical system layouts, plus HVAC sales and commissioning. He also has previous work experience as an energy management consultant and as a research engineer specializing in environments controls.
Jerry is currently a member of the following technical societies: ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers); HRAI (Heating, Refrigeration, Air Conditioning Institute of Canada); CIPH (Canadian Institute of Plumbing and Heating); CAGBC – (Toronto Chapter of Canadian Green Building Council)
Jerry also volunteers with Habitat for Humanity (Guelph/Wellington Chapter) as part of their Construction Committee.
Affliated Event Partners:

As a joint event partner, BOMA Toronto members will be offered the same discounted rate as ASHRAE Toronto members. Thank you to BOMA Toronto for partnering with ASHRAE Toronto for this event!
Feel free to contact the following members for further details:
Phillip Keall
ASHRAE Toronto CTTC Member
(PHILIP.KEALL@TRANE.COM, 416-819-4710)
Zain Yassi
ASHRAE Toronto CTTC Member
(zain.yassi@engineeredair.com, 647-203-3345)
Robyn Ellis
ASHRAE Toronto CTTC Member
Marco Ottavino
ASHRAE Toronto CTTC Programs Chair
(marco.ottavino@honeywell.com, 416-771-3824)