Enhanced Building Operations to Prevent/Reduce Airborne Infections
ASHRAE Toronto invites you to join us for webinar panel. Social distancing is critical at this time, but providing value to our members doesn't need to stop!
Registration within 24 hours of the event start time cannot be guaranteed due to technical reasons.
Cost: Free for Toronto Chapter Members
$5 for Participating Region 2 Chapters Members
$10 for Non-Members
Date: Wednesday - September 9, 2020
Where: Online Webinar
Start Time: 5:00 pm
If you are a member of one of the participating chapters, you can acquire the special access code through your chapter. You MUST register here using your chapter-registered email and name. We will use this information to verify your membership, and failure to verify membership in the participating chapter will void your registration without refund.
Event Summary
COVID-19 has changed many aspects of our lives, including the way we should design and operate buildings. This panel is comprised of two industry leaders and ASHRAE Distinguished Lecturers (David Schurk and Dr. Stephanie Taylor). Each panelist will provide a technical presentation, to be followed by open format discussion and Q&A period.
Some of the topics that will be covered are building ventilation, tips and tricks for navigating available technical resources, and the importance of humidification for IAQ of conditioned spaces. Attendees will leave this webinar with increased confidence in their knowledge on building design and operation for optimal IAQ.
The agenda for the event is as follows:
- Presentation 1 (20 mins): Dr. Stephanie Taylor - Engineers are the Physicians of the Future
- Presentation 2 (20 mins): David Schurk - The HVAC System’s Role in Environmental Infection Control for Buildings
- Open Discussions and Q&A Period (30 mins)
Dr. Stephanie Taylor
M.D., M.Arch., CIC, FRSPH (UK)
ASHRAE Distinguished Lecturer and member of ASHRAE Epidemic Task Group
Harvard Medical School InciteHealth Fellow
CEO, Taylor Healthcare Commissioning

Dr. Stephanie Taylor graduated from Harvard Medical School in Boston, Massachusetts, and practiced pediatric oncology and did research in cellular growth mechanisms for several decades. Alarmed by the high number of patients acquiring infections during their in-patient treatment, she became concerned that the hospital built-environment might play a role in patient outcomes. Realizing that she knew little about the design and management of buildings and mechanical systems, she returned to school in 2005 to obtain a Master’s degree in Architecture.
Dr. Taylor now works as an international consultant and research leader to better understand how the design and operation of hospitals, offices, schools and all occupied buildings can help people thrive, not merely survive. She has published in Nature, Science and other peer reviewed journals, is a Distinguished Lecturer for ASHRAE and a columnist for Engineered Systems magazine. She received the “Women To Watch in the HVAC Industry” award in 2019. She is also a member of the ASHRAE Environmental Health Committee and the newly formed ASHRAE Epidemic Task Group. She can be contacted at MD@taylorcx.com or 860-501-8950.
David Schurk
ASHRAE Distinguished Lecturer
Strategic Account Manager-Healthcare, Carrier West

David Schurk DES, CEM, LEED-AP, CDSM, CWEP, SFP, CIAQM, HCCC, and ASHRAE Distinguished Lecturer is Strategic Account Manager-Healthcare for Carrier West based out of Denver, CO. He is a Licensed Designer of Engineering Systems and has over 35-years of experience in the design and analysis of heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning systems for a variety of market sectors, with a special focus on healthcare facilities. David has authored various technical articles for a number of industry trade journals and magazines, and is a featured presenter at regional and national industry events. He can be reached at dschurk@carrierwest.com or 303-921-2220.
Ahmed Abdel-Salam
Ph.D., P.Eng., CEM, BEMP, HBDP
CTTC Chair, ASHRAE Toronto Chapter
Senior Building Systems Engineer, RYCOM

Ahmed Abdel-Salam is a Senior Building Systems Engineer for RYCOM based out of Toronto, and he is currently chairing the Chapter Technology Transfer Committee (CTTC) for ASHRAE Toronto chapter. Ahmed is a Licensed Professional Engineer, Certified Energy Manager and ASHRAE Certified BEMP and HBDP. Ahmed has over 10-years experience in the design, manufacturing and operations of HVAC systems, high-efficiency buildings and data centers, and he has authored several journal and conference articles.