Notice of Meeting

ASHRAE Toronto Dinner Meeting
Date: |
Monday March 7th, 2011 |
Tour: |
BMO - First Canadian Place
See Map Below
3:50 PM
For members only who are
attending the dinner meeting
(ONLY 30 SPACES AVAILABLE) Please email Sabrina Tai at
Meeting: |
Toronto Board of Trade
First Canadian Place, East Ballroom
See Map Below
5:30 PM Cocktails
6:30 PM Dinner & Presentations |
Partner: |
(Canada Green Building Council) |
Theme: The Evolution of LEED in Canada and ASHRAE Standard 189.1
We ask that you pre-register for the dinner at your earliest convenience online at www.torontoashrae.com, select “Meeting Registration and Calendar” from the left tab and then “Register” button for the ASHRAE Toronto - March 2011 Dinner Meeting. You may also still register through the ASHRAE chapter office (Sabrina Tai - 905 602 4714 or stai@hrai.ca). Please indicate at time of registration if you have any specific meal requirements. There will always be a vegetarian option, simply notify us at time of registration. There will be an additional $10 service charge for individuals who show up at the door without registering online and spaces will not be guaranteed. CaGBC Members will be charged the same rate as Toronto Chapter Members and CaGBC non-members (Guests) will be charged the same rate as ASHRAE Guests.

Attendees please meet at 3:50 p.m. at the elevators in front of the Toronto Board of Trade. The tour will include access to mechanical rooms, architectural features, and electrical rooms of the building. See Map below for more details. Please note that there are only 30 places available on this tour. These places will be held for ASHRAE Toronto members in good standing who will be attending the evening events. Please contact Sabrina Tai (905-602-4714) once you have registered for the evening events to register for the tour. The tour will be first come first served so please register ASAP if you would like to addend the tour.

ASHRAE Toronto’s March 7, 2011 meeting will be held in the East Ballroom of the Toronto Board of Trade, 100 King Street West, First Canadian Place at 6:30 p.m. with cocktails at 5:30 p.m. Food is catered by Oliver & Bonacini.
BMO Building – First Canadian Place:
Towering 72 floors above Toronto's Financial District, First Canadian Place has remained unriv
alled as Canada's tallest business landmark since 1975.
Brookfield Properties, in partnership with its co-owners, is embarking on a multi-faceted rejuvenation project that will transform this classic corporate icon and redefine its position as the country's premier address for business and pleasure.
With a brilliant new white fritted glass exterior curtain wall, FCP will once again be a sleek and commanding silhouette on the city's skyline. The newly designed common areas will combine modern aesthetics with urban elegance. A new standard for sustainability and operational efficiency will be achieved with the introduction of the latest electrical and mechanical systems while providing the ultimate in comfort for discerning tenants.
New Office Chiller Plant and HVAC Modernization - FCP will upgrade its HVAC system by investing in new chillers to modernize its existing chiller plant. This important upgrade will enable the building to reconfigure to a consolidated HVAC looped system. Equipped with full back-up chillers, this new system will provide seamless heating and cooling. It also offers the flexibility to operate on a reduced demand basis equating to increased efficiency and lower energy costs.
Digital Controls - New digital controls will replace existing pneumatic valves that currently regulate the temperature for the perimeter induction units. Digital controls will allow tenants to have greater control over the temperature in their premises resulting in an improved level of comfort and convenience.
Fresh Air - FCP is implementing a monitoring and upgrading program to create further efficiencies and rebalance the air in order to ensure an even higher quality level. Base building design, compliant with ASHRAE, is capable of supplying 30 CFM of fresh air per 150 square feet of leasable space with an air circulation rate of 6.6 air changes per hour.
Motor Upgrades - FCP has taken advantage of the BOMA CDM program that pays up to 40% of the cost of energy Conservation and Demand Management initiatives to upgrade the water pumping and air distribution fans in our HVAC systems. Working with our engineers to closely match our fans and pumps to actual system requirements, we are able to fine-tune usage needs using an upgraded automation system and through the replacement of existing equipment with smaller and more efficient units with Variable Speed Drives ("VSDs"). We are able to fine tune to meet changing needs through occupied and unoccupied periods using an upgraded automation system. The energy savings combined with BOMA CDM rebates can result in a return on investment in less than three years.
Guest Speakers and Topics:
ASHRAE Standard 189.1
Standard 189.1 was created in a collaborative effort between ASHRAE, the USGBC, and the IES with the end goal to help reduce the impact of the “build” on the environment. The group undertook an extensive program to develop this standard with input from all segments of industry and the public.
Provisions in this standard can reduce negative environmental impacts through high-performance building design, construction, and operations practices.
Standard 189.1 is:
ANSI standard developed in model code language
Provides minimum requirements for high-performance, green buildings
Applies to all buildings except low-rise residential buildings (similar to ASHRAE/IESNA Std 90.1)
It is not a design guide and not a green building rating system
It is included as an optional Jurisdictional Compliance Path in the International Green Construction Code (IgCC)
Standard 189.1 is “green” becoming standard practice or code. Standard 189.1 establishes “mandatory criteria” in all topic areas, whereas existing green building rating systems contain few mandatory provisions.
Donald Stepien, P.Eng. – Speaker for ASHRAE Standard 189.1
Don Stepien, President, Isotherm Engineering Ltd. is a long standing ASHRAE member. He is a member of the PEO and the Building Commissioning Association. He represents Isotherm Engineering at the Ontario Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Association (ORAC) and at HRAI. Mr. Stepien graduated from University of Waterloo with a Bachelor of Applied Science in Mechanical Engineering. From 1977 to 1990, Don worked at Temprite Industries Ltd. (custom packaged HVAC equipment manufacturer) in a variety of leadership positions culminating in the position of Sales Manager. He has worked for the past 20 years at Isotherm Engineering with responsibilities including mechanical design, project management, contract documents, building commissioning, mechanical systems operation and maintenance, and administration. Mr. Stepien has experience coordinating various aspects of design, working with owners, architects, specialty consultants (such as LEED and Code consultants), electrical engineers, and structural engineers. Past projects include commercial, industrial, and institutional buildings.
LEED Green Building Rating System
The Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Green Building Rating System® encourages and accelerates global adoption of sustainable green building and development practices through the creation and implementation of universally understood and accepted tools and performance criteria.
LEED is a third-party certification program and an internationally accepted benchmark for the design, construction and operation of high performance green buildings. It provides building owners and operators the tools they need to have an immediate and measurable impact on their buildings’ performance.
LEED promotes a whole-building approach to sustainability by recognizing performance in five key areas of human and environmental health:
• sustainable site development
• water efficiency
• energy efficiency
• materials selection
• indoor environmental quality
The Canadian rating systems are an adaptation of the US Green Building Council's (USGBC) LEED Green Building Rating System, tailored specifically for Canadian climates, construction practices and regulations. The rating systems are adapted to the Canadian market through an inclusive process that engages stakeholders and experts representing the various sectors of the Canadian industry.
View Larger Map
Event Partner: CaGBC - GTA Chapter
ASHRAE Toronto would like to thank Canada Green Building Council – GTA Chapter for their partnership on this event. Canada Green Building Council GTA members are encouraged to register for this event through their standard registration process. Further information about this month’s meeting with the Canada Green Building Council –GTA Chapter can be found at www.greenbuildingontario.ca
Need Assistance?
Feel free to contact Imtee Baksh (imtee.h.baksh@gmail.com) or Marco Ottavino (marco.ottavino@gmail.com), ASHRAE Toronto Programs Chairs, for further details.