ASHRAE Toronto Chapter will like to invite our chapter members and guests to our Feburary 2015 dinner meeting.

Date: Monday February 2nd, 2015

Reception & Cocktail: 5:00PM to 6:00PM
Dinner Meeting: 6:00PM to 9:00PM

Location: Mississauga Convention Centre - 75 Derry Road, Mississauga, ON. L5W 1G3
Feature Presentation:
Sheridan College - Mission Zero and Integrated Energy and Climate Master Plan (IECMP)
Mission Zero is Sheridan’s framework for institution-wide sustainability initiatives. It is an ambitious mandate to re-envision the College’s energy future, make significant reductions in its institutional footprint, set breakthrough performance targets, and begin developing highly integrated sustainability, energy and climate curriculum across faculties.
Developed through a multi-stakeholder leadership council in partnership with Sheridan’s Faculty of Arts, Animation and Design (FAAD) and Faculty of Applied Science and Technology (FAST), it, is guided by the College’s Office for Sustainability and represents operational and curricular goals, driven by its Sustainability Policy. Mission Zero embodies the journey toward transformational systemic change and accelerates the creation of a campus-wide sustainability culture
Guest Speaker
Herb Sinock l CET, CEM, CMVP, LEED Green Associate Manager, Sustainable Energy Systems

Herb Sinnock manages the Office for Sustainability at Sheridan. Within this role, he is responsible for implementation of Mission Zero, Sheridan’s ambitious plan to reduce energy consumption, waste to landfill and greenhouse gas emissions.
Herb is a Certified Energy Manager, Certified Measurement & Verification Professional and LEED Green Associate, and has over 20 years’ experience in the energy sector. Prior to joining Sheridan, he was Manager of the Centennial Energy Institute at Centennial College. He has worked in commercial/industrial energy assessment, project management, teaching, and product development.
He holds a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering (Lehigh University), a Master of Science in Energy Engineering (University of Massachusetts Lowell). Herb holds the US Patent for the Distributed Energy Neural Network Integration System, and is a member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Association of Energy Engineers, ASHRAE, Mensa, and Tau Beta Pi.
Need Assistance?
Feel free to contact the following members for further details:
Veronica Cabeza
ASHRAE Toronto Chapter Technology Transfer Committee
[ veronica.cabeza@camfil.com]